One day, my husband told me that I was so crunchy I could be peanut brittle...this is my adventure in motherhood crunchy at times, filled with love all the time
Friday, December 31, 2010
I promise myself I'm going to use my cookbooks. I have quite the collection of cookbooks. I love to collect them from the different places that we've lived. I love the Food Network. I love Top Chef. I love food. This year, I think instead of focusing on new recipes (which I use more as guidelines than rules on re-creating the recipe...sometimes to my utter failure), I'm going to focus on new foods.
My goal, to try a new food each month. I plan on exposing my family to a new healthy food each month. Maybe try a seasonal vegetable that I've never tackled before, like a fennel bulb. Or try to cook a food that I never have before, maybe squid...then again maybe not...
I want Bubba to grow up exposed to as many different foods as possible. I want him to be willing to try different things and not avoid them just because his parents avoided them or didn't like them (brussel sprouts and spinach anyone?). Hubs and I decided when I was pregnant to try to incorporate foods that we swore we didn't like into our diets, like mushrooms, so that our children would grow up liking them. I've even gotten him eating tomatoes, something that his mother can not believe.
Do I want to get healthy this year? Yes. Do I want to make better decisions for my finances? Yes. But as a resolution, I want to try new foods, whether I cook them or get them as takeout (I've never had curry before, and truly believe that I might be better off trying that from someplace that knows how to prepare it), I will try at least 12 new foods this year.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Cut the Cheese
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Naked time
He thinks it's so funny that now every time we take off his diaper he sees if he can escape us.
This method of diaper rash prevention does not come without it's risks though. Hubs thought I was nuts the first time I suggested it! And up until a few days ago we carried this off without a hitch! See beautiful picture below for a laugh at the presumed pitfalls of such treatment.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Leftovers...Day 1
Monday, December 27, 2010
House of Chocolate
Growing up I remember making trips here. Probably because the ride was free, and at the end you get to sample some free chocolate. But it was always a highlight for me. I loved riding the ride and singing the song (which they've changed...much to my dismay). And it is still an adventure each time I get to go back.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Feast and Celebration
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 24, 2010
Deck the Halls
Our Christmas-y Weekend
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas-y weekend
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Feel behind...
Needless to say I jumped on Google and typed in Cake Pops. It took me directly to Bakerella's blog and I was FLOORED! These are perhaps the cutest darn things I've ever seen! Not to mention the fact that they are ingenious! I have been brainstorming ideas for Bubba's 1st birthday party, and was definitely thinking along the lines of cupcakes. But I have totally changed my tune! I will so be making these! I'm thinking in the shape of fish...maybe with a little sign saying "One fish, Two Fish, Have a Red Fish and a Blue Fish. Or if you like what you see, have a Green Fish and make it Three." Each one will be a different flavor combo. My creative juices are flowing!
I feel behind because I find them one day and the next day I see her on the Today Show! I must be living under a rock!
I tried making them, only without the sticks and they came out beautifully...with a little practice. So easy! So yummy and addicting! Thank You Bakerella you are a genius! And let me just say these would be a very fun project to do with kids. They could help crumble the cake, mix in the frosting, make the balls, or dip them in the chocolate and decorate. Ohhh if only Bubba were older! I'll never have enough days in a year to do all the crafts and baking fun with him...this one though will be a must because I see many of these in my future for get togethers and bake sales!
This book is now on my Christmas list!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Now I am keeping him barefoot since it really does help with the walking development (or so I've read). Which is hard as winter has finally graced us with her blustery presence. Though Bubba is prone to taking shoes off or chewing on socks, so they don't help much on keeping those little Piggies warm anyhow. He is loving all toys that pertain to walking (mainly a push behind walker) and walking from furniture to mommy to toy and back again. It really is fun watching him grow and develop (and fun to share as well).
They really do grow up too fast! I can't wait for him to show off his new talent to his grandparents this weekend!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Christmas Chronicles

We are loving the first book. We so glad we bought the volume! What I am loving is how openly Christian the book is. It takes you back to how Christmas could have started, as a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ to what it is today. Not only that, but it has history mingled in the stories. Ever wonder what really happened to Attilla the Hun? Or King Arthur? This is a tradition that I will be continuing from now on (I may not even wait until next year to read the 2nd and 3rd books).
We are half way through the story now and every night I look forward to hearing Hubs read to Bubba and I just before Bubba's bedtime. There are so many instances where I just begin to chuckle (distracting Bubba from his mission...the Boob). Filled with humor and history and a whole lot of Christmas magic this is a book that will be staying with our family's Christmas traditions.
I was not compensated in any way for this review. These are my opinions.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Worn Out
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thanksgiving Leftovers
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010
Cat Toys

I know to expect him to play with the boxes and the paper. I expected that. I was warned about that before he was born. What I didn't expect was for him to constantly, every day, play with the cat toys. He even plays fetch with them every time I take a toy away. That is if he isn't throwing a tantrum! Even the cat finds it curious (as you can see).
Thursday, December 9, 2010
It's funny how as I grew older I fought and resisted decorating these cookies. Yet, they are one of my favorite Christmas Cookie. I have so many memories surrounding the messes that I would make. I remember the detail I would put into putting the sanding sugars onto the cookies and how by the end my fingers would be an ugly brown/gray from the mixing of all the dyes on them. My sister and I would make the biggest messes in the world, and fight over who got to make the purple snowman. And now that I'm all grown up, I still throw some purple snowmen and green teddy bears into my cookies. I can't wait to share this cookie with Bubba next year, and to clean up his sugary mess.
Warning to the cookie dough eater: This dough is addicting. Yes, I know it has raw eggs in it, but I'll be honest, I cannot resist cookie dough. Actually, I can't resist cake batter, brownie batter, frosting... Well, I'm sure you get the idea.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sweet Words!
A few days ago I thought I heard him say it one morning, but couldn't be sure. But just the other night, a rough one, he was crying in his crib, calling me. When I walked in he looked at me, stood up, and started saying "Momma."
Completely melted my heart! I picked him up and gave him a ton of kisses. And then, yes, I gave him the boob, even though we are slowly trying to wean him from the 3-4 night time feedings, hoping to get more sleep ourselves!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The day after Thanksgiving we always have Turkey Corn Chili (recipe here). Hubs saw the recipe on Rachael Ray and just had to make it after our first Thanksgiving. Well, it was so good that we just couldn't not make it tradition. Plus it goes really well in a crockpot so we can still go out shopping :)
Each year, Hubs and I pick one cookie and one candy each to be made. This way we aren't making a ton for us to sit around and gorge ourselves on. Usually he picks a buttery cookie with frosting in the middle. I change mine every year. The first year I chose Gingerbread and didn't realize how much my recipe made. We ate gingerbread men until Easter (okay...we would have if I hadn't given them to everyone as a gift). In the way of candy I always make my mom's fudge...mmm...usually I make it about 3-4 times because it is so popular. And I like to make Date Balls (Dates, sugar, and Rice cereal). Now I'm hungry.
We've always had a real tree. There's just something special about a real tree and the smell, assuming you aren't allergic. Ever since I was born my mother has always gotten me a new ornament. Then when I got married I had a small stash for my future tree. Hubs liked the idea so much that we continued the tradition (and I made my mom continue it as well). It was fun picking out Bubba's ornament this year!
Christmas Eve, after church, we always exchange our 2nd present (assuming the first is the ornament). The present is always the same. New PJs. We then wear those for pictures the next morning. We also take pictures on our way to church in front of our lit up tree. Just a special way to remember the year (this picture is from last year, and I'm very pregnant).

For Christmas meal we have Roast mean Beef. And a special bread in the morning while we open presents. Writing all this really puts me in the Holiday Spirit. We're always looking for new traditions. This year we started a new tradition. We are reading The Autobiography of Santa Claus and so far we are very much enjoying it!
What traditions does your family have to celebrate the season?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010

I started with morning naps. I began nursing him in his room before the nap and laying him down. Day 1 went beautifully. Days 2-4 he would wake up and scream. So we would sit and cuddle and I'd try again. This went go on for 1 hour and I gave up. By this time he was so awake that we went downstairs and played. Nap 2 was spent with me and would last 2-3 hours, which meant I would take said nap as well. Day 5 I tried to do nap 2 this way. I tried to let him scream for 15 minute intervals, but always ended up picking him up, cuddling, and again gave up after an hour. This resulted in an earlier bedtime, as a result an earlier waking time and tired momma. Then I also needed a nap.
It is hard to break bad habits. I wish I had never started, yet justified it by saying that "he would only be this young once" and "someday he wouldn't want to cuddle with me." I stand by that, however, right now I am worried that when I go back to work it will be even harder on him at daycare.

It doesn't help that Hubs enjoys his cuddles and naps too!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Crazy I know, but as I was clipping Bubba's toe nails this week one of the little buggers flew up and into my eye! Luckily I was clipping them with him sitting in his high chair (a tip I was never given but makes clipping the toe nails so much easier because the baby can't grab at the nail clippers or your hands as the tray runs defense...add some cheerios and usually Bubba is quite content). So, I was able to run to the bathroom to extract above mentioned clipping before finishing up the rest of those little piggies.
Friday, December 3, 2010
He was intrigued! Didn't fully grasp the concept of dipping the 'food' end into the bowl, but totally understood the putting it in his mouth!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Meet the Family
My name is Nancy. I embarked on this adventure called motherhood 10 months ago when the light of my life entered the world, Bubba (Obviously not his given name, but a nickname that's stuck). His nickname is an evolved one. He was born one snowy Friday in Kentucky (where everyone is Bubba or Sissy, when Hubs and I moved there I swore my children would never go by one of these nicknames). I breastfed (still do) and he is such a boob man that we called him Boob or Booba for the first few months of his life. Well, I didn't want him growing up with that nickname, nor did I enjoy the strange looks I would get in public calling him by this nickname-think going to church and calling him over by one of those nicknames. So it evolved into Bubba, and I really feel every family should have a Bubba in it. He really is my world!
Before he came along, I was (still am) a nurse. At the moment I am a Stay at Home Mommy, and enjoying this adventure, though once he turns 1 the adventure will be ending and I'll begin looking for employment. I am blessed to have a husband who supported and encouraged me to stay home for Bubba's first year. I have marvelled at each and every one of his firsts. What a true lesson to me on dependence, trust, and love.
Hubs is dutifully serving his 9th year as a United States Marine, currently home, though deployment is looming closer. We are stateside for the next few years, eagerly awaiting seeing the west coast or other cultures outside of the United States.
We are both from Pennsylvania and have family in Lancaster. We love going home to visit, but are ready when the time comes to go home again as we are quite independent (much to our family's dismay). I'm sure the independence comes as a result of our situation. After I graduated college I moved to North Carolina to be with my husband, and from there we moved to Kentucky. And now here we are at our 3rd duty station (and as many of you know, with the military there are just somethings I need to keep to family only information...I'll let you know once the station changes).
We are not perfect, but in our imperfection comes a lot of love. We have been taught through our circumstances and many moves to fully trust that God will provide for us, many times a difficult lesson. We have learned to treasure family and to make our own traditions. I wouldn't trade our ride for anything and look forward to sharing it with you!
Feel free to comment with questions or ideas for future posts! I love hearing from anyone who happens upon my site!
Have a blessed day!